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How do you generate a report for ALL work items under sub-projects under parents?

I’d like to be able to generate a SINGLE report where you can see ALL work items (milestones, tasks, and projects) under a group of sub-projects (2nd-level) under a single parent (top level).


This should describe the relationship I’m talking about:

Parent -> Sub-Project -> REPORTED WORK ITEMS (Milestones, Tasks, etc.)


I know this “3-tiered report” can be done if I build a dedicated report for milestones, tasks, or projects. However, it would be ideal if all three types can be compiled in such a report. Can this be done?



Ian Answered

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Hi Lan,

The type of report you describe is only available via our Excel Add-in. Please contact your account manager for additional details.



Patrick B. Smith 0 votes
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