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I have created a report on Clarizen (I needed hours per task per resource per project) the report works except for a few issues and I would like to know if I am able to resolve them ..

 1) the report pulls through duplicate tasks  and tasks that have been deleted from the project.

2) the base line work pulls through the duration for the whole task not the duration for the individual assigned to the task.

Report structure:


ASSIGNED : Work Item team member


<task.Project> Manager

<task.Project> Name

<task> Name

<> Resource


<task> Actual effort

<task>Work Variance

<task> % complete

<task> Start date

<task> Due Date






Jessica Woodworth Answered

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Hi Jessica,

Please find my answers below.

I would also recommend joining one of our Q&A webinars. Our CSM members will be able to work on the report during the session and by asking additional questions help you find the right output.


1) the report pulls through duplicate tasks  and tasks that have been deleted from the project.

Please create a filter to include only active tasks (using State field - Active, Cancelled, Completed, Draft, On Hold)

2) the base line work pulls through the duration for the whole task not the duration for the individual assigned to the task.

Please try using another field: <> Work. I would also recommend using the <>. to pull more information regarding the task. Using the Task object might cause the duplication you mentioned.

Please let  me know if you have any further questions.


Bea Genthner 0 votes
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Baseline is on the work item level (e.g. task), not on the resource, so getting that isn't possible.  Also, if you are looking for the individual timesheet entries, you are likely going to need to use the Excel Add-In (  


Duplicate tasks might be showing up because you should be seeing one separate line for every resource on every task.  If there are multiple resources (or resource + manager), you'll see duplicate lines.  You may also see another line for every timesheet entry.  This is where the excel add-in comes in handy.  I ran a test report using the same information provided above and it didn't show deleted tasks, so not sure where to go with that.  


What I would recommend is to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss more in detail.






Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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