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simple validation rule for not allowing time overload for any resource in a resource group


I am completely new in the Clarizen system, and I would like to know how to write a validation rule for not allowing time overload for any resource within a certain resource group. Also, where can I find more examples of validation rules?

Thanks very much,

Pedro José. 

Pedro Jose Navarro Alvarez Answered

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Hi Pedro,

Create a validation rule on the Timesheet entity. Please see the attachment.

More examples of validation rule can be found :


I also encourage you to attend one of our free QA webinars where you can find more information:

Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Hi Diana,

thanks for your quick reply!

Unfortunately, this is still not working to me. To be more clear, I am talking about a physical device that can only process something (a single task) at once. So what I want to have is a validation rule (I don't know exactly where to put it) so that when designing a new project, or re-scheduling or modifying an older one, it will be unable to assign the task to the machine. I applied the validation rule that you suggested, and I still was able to overload the worktime of the machine. 

Thanks also for the examples! I will look at them to see if I find what I want. 



Pedro Jose Navarro Alvarez 0 votes
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Hi Pedro,

It sounds like you would like to perform some kind of resource availability check on your device before it is assigned to be the resource of a task. Our system already has functionality in place to check availability. 

There are a few areas availability can be checked, see here:

In the Resource Load panel you can display the availability of that specific resource for the time frame of the given work item. That way you can track if the resource is available for the desired task (in your case you can also assign the machine as a resource).

I can also suggest filtering your search before assigning resources to new tasks by checking the option: “Show only available resources”.

While this is not a hard rule to disallow a resource to be assigned when it is already overloaded, it provides information for your Project Mangers to see how your device is already used before making the decision to assign.

Is this what you were after?

Diana Sandura 0 votes
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