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Display of Next Phase & Project Phase

While displaying project plan in "Basic + Phase" view,

• How to put “Next Phase” and “Project Phase” into use for reporting purposes?

• Why Task phase is set as Phase = Definition and it does not show up in either “Next Phase” or “Project Phase”?

Ben Goh Answered

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For question 1, you should be able to build a report in the report module and select the fields called next phase and project phase into the report.  these sound like custom fields that are not part of Clarizen out of the box but should be available in the report module. 

For question 2, This sounds like you have some custom fields that are giving you the information on next phase (this is not out of the box behavior in Clarizen) and "Basic + Phase" view is a custom view that you have in your organization (again, not out of the box view).  So in order to help with this I suggest the following:

  1. contact your dedicated customer success manager who can help with these customizations

  2. join one of our advanced Q&A sessions (, or 

  3. enter a ticket on the website.  At some point you'll need to provide log in credentials so the support staff can dig in to this on your instance of Clarizen.



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