Hi Malgorzata,
Thanks for your interest in Clarizen! Your best resource for more info and answers to many of your questions would be our daily live webinars. You can register here for today's session which begins at 10am pacific.
I am head of a PMO and I need to manage all IT-related projects in my company. I am considering buying Clarizen as a project portfolio management tool for my organization.
Looking through the features offered by Clarizen I found very interesting the possibility to create a request for a new project. Could you, please, give me more details concerning this feature? Especially:
Can I use it to enable all people from my organization to submit a request for a new project to the PMO? How does it work? Do I need a license for all employees in order to enable them do this? I hope not… if so, how they can submit them?
Can I organize the requests as a queue of possible projects awaiting my response/decision?
Can I prioritize the requests in the queue?
Can I assign the requests to the project managers? (when submitting a requests people do not know which PM will manage this project – this is my decision based on the requests numbers and priorities).
In the demo movie I can see the form people can use (or alternatively an e-mail). Is it possible to customize it? E.g. add some additional fields to fill or let people add attachments?
I would really appreciate your fast answer.
Best regards,
Malgorzata Chmielecka
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Hi Malgorzata,
Thanks for your interest in Clarizen! Your best resource for more info and answers to many of your questions would be our daily live webinars. You can register here for today's session which begins at 10am pacific.
The quick answer to all of your questions is, Yes, Clarizen can do that. Requests can also be submitted without a license. The Q&A webinars will show you in depth how to execute each of those scenarios.