Jonathan - You can right-click on the project and choose the "Detach from a Parent Project" option. This will make the project a self-contained entity (with no parent). Now, you can add it in as a shortcut.
I have two projects, and created a third and made the first two sub-projects so I could see them both at a glance on with a Roadmap view. However, one I added as a Sub Project, and the other I added as a Shortcut. I want to disconnect the one I added as a Sub Project and add it back as a Shortcut because I can no longer see or maintain Sub Project as an individual project. It only shows under the Parent project. I tried deleting the Parent project but it also deleted the Sub Project.
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Jonathan - You can right-click on the project and choose the "Detach from a Parent Project" option. This will make the project a self-contained entity (with no parent). Now, you can add it in as a shortcut.
If I'd like to make an existing project a sub-project, how do I do that? Thank you!
Hi Chris,
You can achieve this by adding a subproject from Existing Projects. Please see the attachment.
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Thank you!
How do I do this in the current version of Clarizen?
I'd like to see all my work items, projects, subprojects, tasks, subtasks, etc. in a table and be able to indent and outdent them and drag and reorder them as I need.
But, if that's not possible in Clarizen, I'd like to at least be able to do some more complex way of connectiing one work item to another, like Diana explained above. But I don't find the menu items she described in the current version.
If you want to view all Work Items in your system, use the Work Item Module from your Navigation Panel. For a hierarchical view of your Projects that include your Sub-Projects, Milestones, Tasks and Sub-Tasks, use the Project Module.
Either way, you should be able to drag and drop items from one location to another within the table. You know that you can by looking at the rows in the Work Plan. If you see the vertical Zig Zag line ( technical term :) ), then you can drag and drop, if you do not see it, then you cannot. If you are not seeing it and are unable to drag and drop, there could be an issue. We are aware of this issue within IE8 where you need Compatibility Mode on for this to work.
For your other comment regarding connecting a work item to another, when viewing a Project, you can use the Add --> Shortcut to show any work item within the current Project you are viewing.
Hope this info helps.
Boris Krutiy