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Can we turn off the pop up that asks us to create a user when emailing Gantt chart to client?

We want to be able to send the client the Gantt chart via email but we are promted with a window that asks us to create a user. We do not want to have one of our accoutn coordinators accidently create a full user when they are attempting to send the client the Gantt. Can this pop up be turned off?

Kristen Walters Answered

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Hi Kristen, 

As the admin you can change the 'Default New User Type' to email-only to prevent this from happening. By making this change you will have to manually change the type from email to full in the invite window whenever you actually want to invite a new user as a Full user. To quickly access this setting be logged into Clarizen and click the following link:

Patrick B. Smith 0 votes
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