Hi Bridget. Did you make the account today? Do you know if you are on v6 (navigation on the left) or v5.4 (navigation on top)?
I created an email only user, David Schmadeke, in my United HealthGroup/OptumRx account. I assigned him to a task, T-6201. He recieved my email and when clicking on the link received a login page. So I instructed him to login and he recieved an error message once he logged in to Clarizen. Something about he didn't have access to that task. Is there something unique I need to do when setting up email only users in the User Mgmt tool? I tested this with a test user in my other trial account and I received the same error message.
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Hi Bridget. Did you make the account today? Do you know if you are on v6 (navigation on the left) or v5.4 (navigation on top)?
This is 5.4. I've tested this in two different envirnonment. I have a license and a trial account. Email only users get taken to the Login page or an error when clicking the link in the email.
Can you try to post the email he is clicking on into this forum? Is it a progress email or a notification email? Can you also let me know the exact link he is clicking? Thanks!
Here they are. I tested this with an email user with my email address so i would get the emails and test the links. Here are the 2 emails. I am being taken to the login page with these.
Neither of those are progress emails that email-only users can report progress on. The right emails allowing progress reporting start with a link to "Quick Update" and list all tasks that a resource should be working on. All they have to do is click the "Quick Update" link and report progress (or add notes) to their tasks. You can increase the frequency of these emails by going to Settings >> System Settings >> Task Completion Reporting Policy >> and check the days in which you would like these emails to go out.
Is this something that has been expanded on in v6 with the Social Networking platform? So with the extra fee, can email only users get other emails and contribute to notes, docs etc on their assigned tasks?
Great question. Social users can actually log into the system, collaborate on discussion groups (including documents), manage "to-do" tasks that are not linked to projects, but they still cannot access projects. For more information, I would recommend this help page: http://usermanual.clarizen.com/#1-5-editions-and-licensing
The Social module in Clarizen is easily worth the minimal licensing fee. Internally, we have officially been using social across the ENTIRE company for a few days and we already can't imagine a world without it.