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Data in V6 Training Box environment

In page 2 of "Introducing Clarizen V6 Training Box" document, you had mentioned "we've kept it totally separate from your production environment".  Does that mean that all testing done to data in the Training Box environment will not affect the data in the production environment of v5.4, currently being used by other users of Clarizen ?

Shanthi Sendilkumar Answered

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Hi Shanthi,


That's right!

Clarizen V.6 and Clarizen V.5.4 are two separate environments that run in parallel. So any change you apply to one env. doesn't affect the other one.

Yet, all the changes that you will apply in V.5.4 will be available in the V.6 environment once you upgrade it, without any impact on the V.6 Training Box and vice versa.


You can read more about the upgrade on our website:




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