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what is the implication of error in workflow rule?


I got an email with errorr message below and I don't know what causes it and what the implications of this will be. Can you help me to find it out, I cannot find it in the manuals or wiki function?


Subject: Error with Workflow Rule "Set billable indicator for timesheet"



An error occurred while evaluating the criteria for Update Field 'Set billable indicator for timesheet'.

The following error message was received: 'Maximum allowed execution time for database query reached'

Organization: Noventum Service Management

Triggered by User: JvV

Workflow Rule: Set billable indicator for timesheet


Mark Meester Answered

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1 comment


The rule may be utilizing too much server time.  I would start by disabling the rule, activating it again, and seeing if the error persists.  Then I would look at the rule (perhaps with your CSM) to see if there is a way to make the rule more efficient.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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