Are you using basic or advanced permissions in your system settings?
I have vendors submitting invoices for specific projects into Clarizen for approval. But when they go into Clarizen to try and view their expense sheets and invoices they can view all invoices and expense sheets even from other vendors on the same project and on other projects they do not have rights to. They should not be able to see anyone else's items especially those that are on other projects. What can I do to fix this?!
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Are you using basic or advanced permissions in your system settings?
Whatever was set up when I got here. How can I check?
I was told that the users get only one of the 4 system set of permissions (External, Financial, Super User, or Admin).
Can you go to Settings >> System Settings >> Setting 7.17 ( https://app.clarizen.com/Clarizen/Settings/PermissionLevel.aspx). Then set this to advanced, make sure none of the users you mentioned are superusers or admins, and I think you should be all set.