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"Actual Effort Updated from Timesheets" is Locked

How come some of the "Actual Effort Updated from Timesheets" fields are Locked within a project, while others can be toggled between Yes and No ? Thanks! 

Peter Zovath Answered

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If you are using Actual Effort Updated from Timesheets, it should be checked throughout your entire project. The reportable field determines the exact items that should appear on the timesheet.  These will not appear throughout the hierarchy, in fact it is not possible for both a child and parent to be reportable as this will create a scenario where double reporting is possible. Allow reporting on sub items simply allows children work items to be included in timesheets.  For example, if you are updating time on tasks, the project should not be set to reportable, but allow reporting on sub items should be on.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thank you for your quick response Josh! I appreciate it. I think I might have mis-stated my question. 

Within one of our projects, we have tasks that warrant time tracked against them, and others that need to simply be marked as complete.  To accomplish this, we wanted to make the ones that need to just be marked as "complete," not show up on the timesheet. However, the others that require time, have their associated time logged via a task-row on their timesheet. 

Thank you!!

Peter Zovath 0 votes
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Ah, all you need to do is uncheck "reportable" for those that do not need to be reported on the timesheet.  I would recommend creating a view called something like "Time Tracking Setup" and add the 3 fields we just talked about to the view.  That way you don't have to go into the properties of each task to uncheck reportable, you can do it very quickly right from the grid.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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