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I first time use Clarizen PM software. I am looking for, but I did not find the place, where I can put the budget value.



Dejan Mitrovic Answered

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All you need to do is go to any task or project and click "More Info" towards the top.  You will see all of the financial fields there.  I would also recommend setting up a view with the financial fields you plan to use as columns for easy access.  There are likely some of these views already setup in your account with names like Budget View that you can start using for this (look in the upper left corner to select your views).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Hello Josh,

I have managed the budget of many projects, never at the TASK level.

A project Cost/Budget is never the sum or roll-up of the task costs and, in my experience, there is no added value in micro managing budgets on tasks.


Is it possible to manage a high level project budget, on a monthly basis? 

For example, project duration = 12 months

Total project budget = 120 man months (Or $ equivilant)

Months 1 - 5 budget = 5 man months/ per month  (25 man months)

Months 6 - 8 budget = 10 man months/per month (30 man months)

Months 9-12 budget = 15 man months/per month (45 man months)

Total = 100 man months

Is it possible to manage a budget this way and compare plan vs. actual?







Arnon Yaffe 0 votes
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You can easily manage budget at the project level as well, but to do it monthly, you would have to break out the project by month (either using subprojects or milestones) and then track budget on those sub-items.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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