How can you check the actual work hours per day per user for your sub ordinates?
Ushirogi is a leader of Support team, which has two sub-teams - CAD team and UD team.
Kanai is a leader of the CAD team and Itou is a leader of the UD team.
(1) Ushirogi needs to track the planned and actual work items of each member in the CAD and UD teams.
Toda and Ikezawa temporarily report to Ushirogi in a dotted-line.
(2) Ushirogi needs to track the planned and actual work items of Toda and Ikezawa.
Current Behaviors In the Time Tracking view, it has a “Change User” field, which enables the task manager to switch users if the task manager assigned tasks to the users.
If the task manager doesn’t assign a task to an user, the task manager can NOT change to the user.
Time Tracking view is useful for a manager to track the actual work efforts per day per user.
(b) In Group Load view, it has planned work hours and remaining work hours. However, it simply shows the average planned hour for a task and it doesn’t show the actual work hours per day per user.
Are there any way to meet the requirements above?