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[Question] How can you check the actual work hours per day per user for your sub ordinates?


How can you check the actual work hours per day per user for your sub ordinates?


Ushirogi is a leader of Support team, which has two sub-teams - CAD team and UD team.

Kanai is a leader of the CAD team and Itou is a leader of the UD team.

(1) Ushirogi needs to track the planned and actual work items of each member in the CAD and UD teams.

Toda and Ikezawa temporarily report to Ushirogi in a dotted-line.

(2) Ushirogi needs to track the planned and actual work items of Toda and Ikezawa.

Current Behaviors In the Time Tracking view, it has a “Change User” field, which enables the task manager to switch users if the task manager assigned tasks to the users.

If the task manager doesn’t assign a task to an user, the task manager can NOT change to the user.

Time Tracking view is useful for a manager to track the actual work efforts per day per user.

(b) In Group Load view, it has planned work hours and remaining work hours. However, it simply shows the average planned hour for a task and it doesn’t show the actual work hours per day per user.

Are there any way to meet the requirements above?

Takashi Hongo Answered

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Hello Hongo-San,

I suppose you're talking about V6. If you wish to see planned versus actual for your users you manage, you may go to the timesheet panel and change the view to team view. You can view either a user group, or the team working on a specific project.

Then you may edit the work items panel and add the work and actual effort fields to your grid.

This way you'll be able to see, per user, the planned, actual and detail of the work.

Please let me know if this solves your issue.


Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Thank you for your response.I'm talking about Clarizen V5.4, not Clarizen V6.


I verified that the Clarizen V6 supports Team View, which enables you to switch users you would like to see.

(1)What is the definition of the “Team?” (Please refer to p.4 in the attached file.)

(a) If you were Imai, who can you see in the Team View?

Imai (Me), Kanai, Tsunoda, Sato?

(b) If you were Kanai, who can you see in the Team View?

Kanai (Me), Imai, Tsunoda, Sato?

(c) If you were Toda, who can you see in the Team View?

Toda (Me), Watanabe, Ikezawa, Ushirogi?

(d) If you were Ushirogi, who can you see in the Team View?

Ushirogi (Me), Kanai, Imai, Tsunoda, Sato, Itou, Kazuhisa, Shinji, Wachi, Toda, Ikezawa and Ushirogi’s direct manager?

(2)Does Clrizen V5.4 support the same feature?

Best regards,

Takashi Hongo

Takashi Hongo 0 votes
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Dear Hongo-san,

Thank you for your reply. I will review your requirements and get back to you.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Dear Hongo-san,

For information about how team views work in v6 please find some interesting documentation.$Team Centric Views

In 5.4 Group load view that you mentioned, the system does currently provide you with an average. We are working on adding the feature of actual work per day per user in a future release.

Finally, our excel plug-in can assist you in creating reports and dashboards including the planned and actual work fields.

If you wish to see example of such reports, you may register for one of our Q&A webinars.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Thank you for your response.

For information about how team views work in v6 please find some interesting documentation.$Team Centric Views

I understand that the team panel shows your direct manager, team members under your direct manager, and your direct reports.

However, my question is "Can Ushirogi see the Imai's work items because Imai is Kanai's direct reports but Kanai is Ushirogi's direct reports?"

In 5.4 Group load view that you mentioned, the system does currently provide you with an average. We are working on adding the feature of actual work per day per user in a future release.

Is it about Clarizen V5.4 that you are working on adding the feature of actual work per day per user in the future release?

Or is it about Clrizen V6?

Takashi Hongo 0 votes
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V5.4 is completely closed to new functionality, all new features will only appear on V6 from here on out.  All the more reason to upgrade as soon as possible =)

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thank you for your response.

In 5.4 Group load view that you mentioned, the system does currently provide you with an average. We are working on adding the feature of actual work per day per user in a future release.

Is it about Clarizen V5.4 that you are working on adding the feature of actual work per day per user in the future release?

Or is it about Clrizen V6?

I understand that your team won't add any new feature to V5.4.

I understand that the team panel shows your direct manager, team members under your direct manager, and your direct reports.

However, my question is "Can Ushirogi see the Imai's work items because Imai is Kanai's direct reports but Kanai is Ushirogi's direct reports?"

I'd appreciate it if you respond to the question above.

Best regards,

Takashi Hongo

Takashi Hongo 0 votes
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There is a setting on the team panel: "Show Sub-Teams" which lets you see below your immediate Direct Reports.

This is set by clicking on the little gear wheel icon on the bottom-left of the Team Panel.

So if I understood correctly: 




Ushirogi wants to see Imai's reported time.$Configuring the Team Panel 

Best regards, 


David Goulden 0 votes
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Thank you for your response.

I understand that Clarizen V6 supports showing sub-teams' resources' time sheets.

Best regards,

Takashi Hongo

Takashi Hongo 0 votes
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