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Workflow Rule

I am trying to create a workflow rule that sends and email to our accounting department after a milestone has been completed. I have used the examples in the manual and from the forums, but keep getting setup errors. Basic logic below:

IF Milestone = " 2 - Tag Deployment" and is 100%, send email to...


Peter Zovath Answered

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Hello Peter,

For assistance with building specific customizations, I invite you to register for one of our live Q&A webinars, accessible from our success portal, where you can ask your questions and we will show you the ropes of building a workflow rule.

Alternatively, contact your customer success manager for specific guidance.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Just had another look at your post and I think the answer should be quite straightforward.

The Workflow Rule needs to run on Milestone items (All Item Types > Work Item > Milestone).

Set Run Time:

When a record is created, or when a record is edited and did not previously meet the rule criteria

Evaluation Criteria:

Run only when the following conditions are met


*If True = *

$Name = '2 - Tag Deployment' && $PercentCompleted = 100

Let me know if this works for you. 

Jonathan, , Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 1 vote
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