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Work: overwriting hours


When I created a project plan, Clarizen calculated 'WORK' hours based on duration.  What happens if I overwrite those ours to reflect estimated hours?  Will I lose any data?

Nverci01 Answered

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To answer this we need to know what is the default work policy in the organization.

Work policy determines the relation between duration, work, and units (resource availability).

You choose which is fixed, then you may update the second, and the third will be automatically determined.


You CAN override the default calculated value. Thus you can have a task with a 1 day duration and 10 hours of work (though you will might need to adjust the resources)

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Hi Jonathan

Default was Fixed Duration, so I changed it to Fixed work.  Prior to that, I had hourly cost for one job title.  After I changed to Fixed Work, I noticed that Clarizen caclulated both Budgeted Cost and Actual Cost....but I had problems here.

  1. Budgeted cost: this is calculated based on hourly cost I setup for Job Title.  But I don't have breakdown of estimated hours, so I want to keep the budgeted cost at higher level instead of at each task level.  Clarizen does not allow me to manually enter Budgeted hours at summary task level.  Is there any way around it? 
  2. Actual cost: Clarizen calculated actual cost based on % completion.  But this is time and material project, not % completion project.  How can I make Clarizen calculate actual cost based on actual hours entered?
  3. Cannot wipe out the cost: I eventually, changed the default back to 'Fixed Duration', and deleted 'Hourly Cost' that was assigned to JOB TITLES under USER MANAGEMENT.  However, the Budgeted cost and Actual Cost still show up.  How can I wipe out cost information?  I cannot recall any other place I put hourly cost other than JOB TITLES.
Nverci01 0 votes
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Regarding 3. above, I deleted Hourly cost from Global setting.  Still I see same cost data.

Nverci01 0 votes
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Hi, #3 above is resolved.  Please help me on #1 and #2.  Thanks!

Nverci01 0 votes
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1.) You can manually over-ride any of these automatically calculated financial figures. Just enter a different amount in budgeted cost or planned revenue.  Alternatively you could use a custom field in order to track your financial estimate independently of the automatically calculated fields, and this can be a field that rolls up to the project level.

2.) Actual cost is either based on % completion and budgeted cost or based on time tracking information (actual hours entered).  Just set "Actual Effort Updated from Timesheet" for your projects and actual time reported will directly impact the actual cost versus it being based on the % completion.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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