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Document notification and approval?

I am part of a creative team within a marketing department. We'd like to be able to:

– Be able to notify someone manually that a document has been uploaded (i.e. a PDF of a brochure)

– Have the reviewer be able to manually send us notification of mark-ups.

– Have the reviewer be able to APPROVE the document itself. Not a task, but the document. 

Is this possible? 

Leanne Manion Answered

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For the first one we can create an rule that will automatically notify someone if a document has been created or added to a specific project, but it will not include the document itself (user will need a license to access the document). #2 is possible assuming that you manually send the doc to them initially.  Also if they are a licensed user they can annotate the doc in Clarizen itself (really cool feature). For #3, I would create a task for approval of that specific document. 

I'm also going to let our expert for Marketing Scenario expert chime in here with any recommendations I might have missed.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks so much. Is there someone who could walk me through this? We are in the process of testing several collaboration tools, so I am just learning how to work with Clarizen. These steps are absolutely necessary to our process and I'd like to demonstrate them to our group, but I'm not clear about how to create rules or tasks at the moment.

I have mastered the annotation tool, and everyone who we'd be sharing things with via Clarizen would be a licensed user.

Leanne Manion 0 votes
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Thanks so much. Is there someone who could walk me through this? We are in the process of testing several collaboration tools, so I am just learning how to work with Clarizen. These steps are absolutely necessary to our process and I'd like to demonstrate them to our group, but I'm not clear about how to create rules or tasks at the moment.

I have mastered the annotation tool, and everyone who we'd be sharing things with via Clarizen would be a licensed user.

Leanne Manion 0 votes
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