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Can you explain how to add files via the shortcut option?

I am trying to add Files to one of my work item.  How can I upload files to clarizen via the shortcut option under Add files dialog?

Please advise.

Usha Priyadarsan Answered

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For this you need to add the network location of the file (the full file path). Note that only users that have access to that network location would be able to access the file, and the file never actually touches Clarizen servers, only the location of the file on your network.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks Josh. For testing purpose, I am trying to upload file from my local PC through the Shortcut option,providing the full path.

But when I try to open or preview the file, I get an error message " the system cannot find the file specified"

I understand that this being from local PC, others might not be able to view. but I suppose I should be able to..

not sure where I went wrong. Thanks for any help on this issue.


Usha Priyadarsan 0 votes
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Are you able to share what you are pasting into the shortcut?  If there is any confidential information in the path, please don't share, we can do this over a support ticket instead.

Also how are you getting the path of the file?  In Windows 7/8, I have found the easiest way is to navigate to a file in windows explorer and then Shift+Right Click the file and select "Copy as Path." This should give you something like: "C:\Users\Joshua Santos\Desktop\Misc\clarizentest2.xml"

Lastly, in case this is an option in your organization I would highly recommend considering Google Docs or Box integration and storing your files one the cloud. It makes it a whole lot easier to collaborate and keep the docs up to date (you can even edit Google Documents directly from within Clarizen).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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