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When I create users they have a number after their name - Why?

During the trial I created some test users with the same names, but then deleted them. The new users show as John Smith 67 instead of John Smith.  How can I get rid of the number after their name?

Sharon Astle Answered

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You can go to People in the navigation and edit their First Name, Last Name, or Display Name (you may need to add this one as a column by clicking the gear icon in the upper left of the panel, clicking Manage, and adding Display name to the list on the right).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Hi Josh,

When I try to change the Display Name, I receive a validation error that the user name or display name already exists. However, I deleted John Smith after our trial ended, when we purchased the licenses. What do you suggest?

Sharon Astle 0 votes
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Look for the original John Smith in deleted users, reactivate, change his display name, and delete again.  That should free up this display name for another user (display names have to be unique inside of each account).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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