First off, can you see if there are any sorts or filters set in your view. Look for a little triangle or a green checkbox in any of the headers. Also are you getting any sort of error message when you try to paste?
Hello, I imported a project from MSProject and some of the tasks are out of order. When I select a task to cut, the task shows with a hashed line when I click 'cut', but does not paste when I highlight a row and click 'paste. What would remedy this?
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First off, can you see if there are any sorts or filters set in your view. Look for a little triangle or a green checkbox in any of the headers. Also are you getting any sort of error message when you try to paste?
Hi Josh, I did not see any errors, and no sort or filters set. However, I just went in and tried again and I successfully used the cut and paste. However, when I return to the same view the tasks are back in the original order. I don't see any filters or sorts. I'm attaching the results for your review. Thanks!
Are you able to scroll to the right? It looks like there are more columns in that view. Can you also try sorting by the name column and then clearing that sort by hovering above that cell header and selecting Clear Sort from the dropdown menu to the right of the header.