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Is it possible to see Budgeted cost without the cost of Resource time included?

We have a list of projects that we are planning for next years budget. Some of these projects contain Expenses for server hardware/equipment etc.

The problem we have is that the Budgeted cost field on the project view automatically includes the resource time as well.

We would like to show only the costs associated with planned expenses, as our resource time is already budget for.

If its not possible to split the two up, we can simply £0 the cost per hour for resources which will have the same effect. However it would be nice to see how much time in resource a project will take up as well. Just not for budgeting purposes in our setup.

Darren Answered

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Hi Darren,

You have a projected/expected expenses fields which you might wish to use for your expenses budgeting.

You also have a total estimated cost field, which you might wish to use as an overall indicator. (You can populate it via workflow)

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Thanks for the update, its the Projected Expenses field that I was looking for. 

Darren 0 votes
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