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How to set the Company Default Email Notification interval for Discussion Groups

I need to edit the Notification interval in the Email Information section of a group but i can only do it for myself. How can i change the default for the whole company and then let the users update their own if they want to. 

Also, how can I limit certain group users from posting discussions to a group wall?

kvalchev Answered

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Can you clarify which email you are referring to?  Is this a social group?

As for preventing users from posting discussions, you would have to do this with a validation rule.  Just to be clear, you want certain groups to be able to view the discussion group but not post to it?  If you simply want to exclude a user group from a discussion you can make the group private and only invite the users and/or groups that are relevant.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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For social groups, each user would has to set this individually, and there is a separate setting for each discussion group.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Considering that the default is "On Every Post" an Admin needs to be able to change this. It should be an option and not a default because users are getting aggravated. 

kvalchev 0 votes
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The v6 user manual isn't very clear on this point:$Defining Subscription on Groups

I'm wondering if the screenshots in the manual here are from a previous version because they don't match what I'm seeing as an admin trying to change discussion subscriptions for a group in the Social module.  Instead of "Email Notifications" under "Email Information" I have "Notify me."  This leads me to believe if I change this I'm only affecting my own subscription and not the group's.  Is that correct?  If so, is there a way for me to access the group's subscription default rather than just my own?

Or, is the documentation incorrect and talking about functionality that either doesn't yet exist or was intended to exist but changed?

Druckenmiller, Chris 0 votes
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On a related note as I'm experimenting with how discussions work, I notice that you can certainly unsubscribe from email notifications for a discussion with the handy link in the email footer.  Then, if I reply to a discussion message via email I am re-subscribed to email notifications.

If this is the intended functionality I'd suggest an extra email notification informing the user they have been re-subscribed to email notifications with an additional note that they can still participate in the discussion directly in the app via the Social module.  Otherwise this can give the impression that the unsubscribe link isn't working at all.

Druckenmiller, Chris 0 votes
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Chris, there is no way to set the group settings for all the users in the group. The Admin privileges when it comes to groups, views, and layouts still have ways to go in Clarizen. As a result, this really affects our adoption of the new "improvements". 

For example, no one in my organization whats to join a group because unless they then go and change their group settings they will get spammed by each and every activity in that group. And most users what to just "use" without having to admin settings. 

Another thing is, people are get confused and frustrated because someone constantly changes the way the main layout looks by mistake. Most users assume that when they change something it will only affect their view and not the entire company's view because they are not Admins. However, Clarizen gives such admin powers to superusers as well, which leads to the described issue.

kvalchev 0 votes
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As an admin, all you have to do is change the "notify me" field for your resources and that will be come the default notification for setting all social groups that they join or are added to.  From the People module, you can add this into the grid and change it for everyone in a couple minutes.  You can also create a rule that will automatically set this to a default value for all new employees that are added to the company in the future.  Note that this is the default setting, end users can still change this group by group per their own personal preference.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Josh, while what you have pointed out is a good solution to control the communication from the groups, it also caries undesirable consequence. Most people want to receive project related notifications right away, but the "Notify me" filed will apply the same frequency to those as well. 

The only solution is for the Admin to have the permission to set the default "Notify me" for all users, and then those users can change it if they want.

Can you please address my second issue regarding the views edit restrictions, or should i create a different positing for it?

kvalchev 0 votes
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That is the scenario right now, the admin can set the default and then users can change it for any groups they want to receive more or less notifications on.

As for the views, it is really important to see if you are changing a global view or a personal view.  When editing any view towards the top you can see the permissions for that particular view.  Only admins/super users have the ability to modify the global views, and I agree they do need to be careful here.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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