Hi Sharon. Are these Email-only or Time Tracking users. Email-only users do not have access to any of the time tracking functions. They can report progress on their tasks, and even submit notes, but cannot submit time. This is why the emails are not going out, they would need at least a Time & Expense license (a Full license also works).
FollowTimesheet Reminders not received
We are conducting a timesheet pilot with a couple users. I clicked on Timesheets, changed the user, and clicked Send Timesheet Reminder. However, the user did not receive the timesheet.
She is set up as an Email User, Allow Emails is enabled, and I verified her email address under her id in the People section is correct. Any ideas as to what I have forgotten to do?
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Hi Josh,
Huh? This used to work for Email only users. They could submit their time by clicking on the Quick Update that leads them to the URL. They just couldn't log into Clarizen. Why has that changed?
Time means something different in Clarizen (it implies filling out a timesheet). By clicking Quick Update, they can update the % completion, total actual/remaining effort, but not log a time entry (ex: I spent 4 hours working on task A on Monday, 2 hours on Wednesday...). Does that make sense?