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How to I change the default project manager and resource on my project templates?

I've set up a number of project templates and I'm now automatically triggering projects from Salesforce. However, every single project that is being triggered has me as the Project Manager because I set up the original project templates. Is there any way to just set up a generic 'Project Manager' who is assigned as the Project Manager and Resource on a project template. And then when Salesforce triggers the new project in Clarizen, it will have a generic Project manager assigned?

As a result of the way it seems to be working now, no one else can see projects until I assign them to someone else.

S Barnes Answered

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First, you need to create a generic "Project Manager" resource (invite a new user, go to advanced properties, and set none as the user type). Second, you could set up a workflow rule to automatically set the Project Manager for projects triggered from Salesforce to use this generic Project Manager resource. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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I'm looking to do the same thing.  I have created a user called "Unassigned PM", and I have SFDC integration.  How do I write a rule to identify the project has been created by SFDC? 

Farhan Virji 0 votes
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Hi Farhan,

Short of writing an additional rule, if you don't want projects created using the integration to be automatically assigned to you, you can use a placeholder user named i.e. '' as the authenticating users in both SF and CLZ so that you can see in the 'Created By' field that it was the integration that created the user, and then filter by the 'Created By' in your project view for assignment. 

Remember that this user needs to have Admin/Super User and Financial permissions.

Alternatively, you can create a custom field on the Clarizen Project object in SF and the Project object in Clarizen i.e. toggle/checkbox called 'From SF', add it to the 'Project to Project mapping' in the direction 'Salesforce to Clarizen' on event type = create & sync and to your opportunity to project event trigger in the 'Update Fields' section, which updates the field on creation of a project. On the event trigger, set the value type to 'Constant' and value = true. Once in Clarizen, you can filter by this field.


Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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