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Excel Add-in: Field Names


We want to use the Excel Add-in to generate a query for some resource - task information but, I can't find equivalent resource field in the Excel Add-in field list. Is there a list of the Excel Add-in fields and what they map to in Clarizen if it is a different name?

Sharon Astle Answered

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Hi Sharon,

If I understand correctly, you are looking to pull fields on both tasks and the resources that are assigned to them.  To do this, you will need to change the item type to "Link" > "ResourceLink."  Now, you should be able to pull fields in the "Work Item" subtree as well as the "Resource" subtree.  The fields in these subtrees should be what you're looking for.

To get a complete list of standard fields, you can go to "Your Name > Settings > Configuration," click on the entity in question (i.e. Work Item -> Task or Groups and Users -> User) and find the "Standard Fields" section.

Please let me know if something is still unclear.

Happy reporting!


Yoko Suzuki 0 votes
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