That is because one of your views has a sort or filter in place. Remove the filters and sorts and it will go back to the way you originally structured your project.
FollowTask order
When I create tasks under a certain milestone, I go to the milestone page and arrange the tasks in the order I want them. When I go back to the project view page that has all the milestones listed, the tasks of the milestone I just rearranged are not in the order they were under the specific milestone view. I then tried to rearrange the tasks in the project view to the same order as the milestone view. They will go to that order temporarily but whenever I click on any other task and go back to the main page, the tasks are not in the order I want.
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How can I tell where these filters are? I looked on the work plan under name and there are no filters selected. It also will not allow me to move tasks around to rearrange them. I tried dragging them and nothing happens. I also tried cutting and pasting but I get an error that says I can't move items above the first row.
Look for a magnifying glass next to the search in the upper right. Click that and select to clear filters. Then look for a triangle in any of your header fields (this means there is a sort in place). Clear the two and you will be all set.
As for cutting a pasting, I would hop on any of our Q&A forums for some quick tips on moving items around ( A filter or sort could be leading to this error, or it could be that you are trying to paste an item somewhere it is not allowed.