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I'd like to understand the definitions for the following columns that can be added to the work plan.

I'm working to develop the perfect work plan view for our team. I'd like to understand the definition of the following:

<Hierarchy> Sequence Order

<Work Item> Baseline Due Date Variance

<Work Item> Earliest End Date

<Work Item> Earliest Start Date

<Work Item> Impacted By

<Work Item> Impacting

<Work Item> Priority

<Work Item> Risks

<Work Item> SKU

<Work Item> Task Type




Marcia Duiker Answered

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<Hierarchy> Sequence Order - This determines where an item is in the project hierarchy, I would not use this in a view.

<Work Item> Baseline Due Date Variance - This is the difference between the baselined due date and the current due date.

<Work Item> Earliest End Date *- This is just a date field, I don't think there is any system functionality tied to this.


<Work Item> Earliest Start Date - Same as above.

<Work Item> Impacted By - This shows the work items that are impacting the selected item (ex: a child task, when updating % completion for a child it will roll up and impact the selected item)

<Work Item> Impacting - This shows the work items that a selected item is impacting (ex: parent items, when % completion is updated, it will roll up to the parent).

<Work Item> Priority - A numerical field where you can put in any number you would like. 500 is the default value (same as MS Project), but you can use whatever methodology you would like.

<Work Item> Risks - These are risks that are impacting the selected work item.

<Work Item> SKU - There is no functionality associated with this field, it was designed to tie products back to the selected work item. Usage here (like many of the fields) is not required.

<Work Item> Task Type - This is a picklist field designed to be customized with your own values.

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