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Managing "My Profile"

Are there feilds within "My Profile" that as an admin I can push from the system settings screen?

I'd like to ensure that as I bring users onboard that they are filling out as little detail as possible under my profile - to ensure that our users have a similar experience as we start in to leveraging Clarizen.

What would be the recommended feilds to fill out for "My Profile"?



Marcia Duiker Answered

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You have full control of the fields that show up there by going to Settings >> Layout >> Groups and Users >> Users >> Field Layout >> Property Card.  Even if you hide fields, you can use the property search to quickly pull them up and even make changes to them.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks - how do I set the settings that we've chosen to keep within the My Profile - and push them to the user?

Marcia Duiker 0 votes
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Once you get to the page described in the previous post, all you do is drag fields from the left to the right to add them to the view and from the right panel to the left to eliminate the fields. Click save and the new layout will push out to all users.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks... what I'm trying to get at is, some of the parameters are set to "yes" already, some of the parameters appear to require editing - which of the parameters can I as an admin push to all users, and is this the view that I can do that from? Or does that come directly from system settings? I.e. Language, Time Zone, User Type...

Marcia Duiker 0 votes
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You can set many of these at the global level, but any user-level setting will over-ride the global setting.  As an admin, what you can do is go to people, add these user-level settings into you view, and then quickly make changes for existing users (can even use multi-cell copy/paste to change multiple values at the same time).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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