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Remove Resource from Template


I have created several templates in V6 but it has assigned me as the manager/owner which means that any other Project Manager who creates a project from these templates automatically assigns me as a resource, I am no inundated with alerts.

I have created a "dummy user" with license = none, and assigned them as manager and project manager, but doing this means that I cannot remove my name as a resource before saving as a template.

How do I go about saving a project as a template using the Dummy User only?  I neefd to sort this asap as I dont want any more alerts and notifications coming my way

Thank you

Angela Corlett Answered

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You can turn off the notifications and email alerts, I think that might be the easiest solution.  Why is the person that is executing these projects not initiating them?

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks Josh

They are initiating the projects but it seems that as I created the template - my name stayed in the resource list.  Have had another play this morning and I have changed my Admin Settings to Advanced Admin and Super User and I can now remove myself from Resources when the Dummy User is set to Project Manager and Manager.  Resolved :-)

Angela Corlett 0 votes
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Ah, that works.  If you recreate the template and remove yourself from all resource columns (likely using a placeholder), that should work as well.  

Josh Santos 0 votes
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