This is managed in your administrative settings. You can have as many different currencies as you'd like and to utilize them all you need to do is use the currency code when putting in financial amounts. For example, I can type in 50 USD for US dollars, 50 CAD for Canadian dollars, or 50 EUR for Euros.
FollowExchange rate for project
I see there is an 'agreed date for exchange rate' for a project - but is there a field to record the actual rate that we are using? Thanks.
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Thanks, but is it possible to track this by project? Project X started in Jan so has one exchange rate. Project Y started in Feb so it has a different exchange rate. (even tho they are both USD to EUR, for example).
The exchange rates work by time frame. You define the rate for a specific period of time, so the time period and the ranges that you define for those rates are really what determine the project totals.
Ah, I see now. Thank you.
Can a set rate be edited at a later time? Can a rate be removed to allow a new rate to be put in its place?
If you go to your Project and from the Work plan toolbar ribbon select the Misc link and then the Currencies button. here you will see the Currency Exchange rates as it was specified at the Organizational level as well as a column for 'Project-specific Rates. This is an editable field that allows you to modify each entry for the entire Project. Once set, it can still be edited to be removed or modified as needed.