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Tasks - View set to tasks for which I am a manager

I have set up a Task View with filters set to "Active" and to "Custom --> Manager" - I would like this view to show all tasks for which I am a manager, and I'd like to see which tasks within this list are executable (regardless of who the resource might be).

I've been playing with it, and don't seem to show executable tasks within this view (despite the fact that I know there are).

Is there a way to set this view up so that I can as a project manager quickly scan through the tasks for which I am a manager for a given project, to see which tasks are executable?



Marcia Duiker Answered

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There is a field for executable tasks, it looks like a little gear icon.  By default it is included in our scheduling view (the field is simply called "Executable".  All you need to do is add it into any of your views and you can then sort and filter by this. It comes in really handy, especially if you combine it with filters for tasks that are past due and on the critical path (these tasks will delay your project for every day that goes by where they are not completed).

Josh Santos 0 votes
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We know this - and have it added... but none of the tasks showed as executable to the project manager (despite there being executable tasks for the resources) - we'd like the project manager to see executable tasks even if they are not the resource. Is this possible?


Marcia Duiker 0 votes
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Yes, completely possible.  Executable is tied to the task itself and not the resource responsible for executing it.  So any view with tasks that has the executable column should provide this information.  For investigation into your own account, I would talk to your CSM or open a support ticket.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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