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Timesheet AutoSubmit

Hello - we would like to change our timesheet setting from Requires Only Submission to Auto-Submit and Approve.  Is there anything we need to be aware of or to let our users know related to this change?  What will happen to any timesheets that have already been created prior to the change but not yet submitted? 



Karen Lewis Answered

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Hello, Karen!

Have implemented this setting myself. It wont affect already logged time, so you will have to approve and submit this time manually last time. Talking about awareness: I didn't actually face any problems with auto-submission and approval.

Mikhail 0 votes
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Hi Karen,

the main thing to be aware of is performance issue - auto submit and approve creates an action in the system for every entry, while in manual submission and approvals, you submit/approve a batch of timesheet entries. if the number of entries is not huge, then you shouldn't be worried.

regarding timesheets created before this change, they have still have to be manually submitted and approved.

Saar Yariv 0 votes
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Saar,  Thank you - very helpful.  Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean by "performance issue"?  We have over 30k individual time entries each year.  Thank you.

Karen Lewis 0 votes
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with this amount of entries and users i don't expect performance issues.

also, take into account that using automatic submit and approve means that every new or edited entry immediately changes the actual effort of the task.

other than that, nothing special to be aware of.

Saar Yariv 0 votes
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We did something similar (change to auto-submit and approve).  Does each user have to go back and manually do the submit or is there a way for an admin to do this on their behelf (nothing obvious when looking at a timesheet)?

Denise Stokowski 0 votes
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Denise, didn't quite get what you mean here. If you have changed the option to "auto-submit and approve" there is no need for the user to do anything but to log the time.

Mikhail 0 votes
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This is in reference to the historical timesheets that were NOT auto-submitted and approved.  The comments say you have to go back and manually do this but no option to submit seems to be anywhere.  Recommendations on how to submit the historical timesheets since we are okay going forward.

Denise Stokowski 0 votes
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Hi Denise,

There are two options:

  1. An admin with super user/financial permissions should be able to see all timesheets, so they can go in and marked the unsubmitted timesheets as approved.

  2. A second option is to use data loader to update the historical timesheets - but we normally recommend using the Clarizen interface to mitigate any risk of bulk data updates. If you need assistance, please attend our free Advanced Q&A webinar and our experienced Customer Success Managers can help get your started.

Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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I have a general question about the setting value of "Auto-submit and approve". Does this selection mean that time entries are automatically submitted but still require approval, or are they auto approved as well? Also if this is selected will the time entries be included in the financial calculations as soon as a time entry is created by a user? We want the approval process, but would like the time entries to be included in financials, and we would like to mitigate the need to follow up with user for time entry.

Hope this makes sense and any input would be appreciated.

Tim Gelette 0 votes
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Hi Timothy,

Correct, system setting 11.7, if Auto-Submit and Approve is enabled, they are submitted and approved.

This setting doesn't control whether the timesheets will be included in financial calculations. You'll need to mark the individual work-items as 'Billable' in order for resource rates to take effect.

Could you please clarify which fields you're referring to when you say 'financial calculations' to make sure we're looking at the same fields?



Permanently deleted user 0 votes
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Thank you for the reply. I still need to clarify. I will try to make the question much clearer.

We would like the time entries to be auto submitted. However, we want the time sheets to go through an approval process.

Will selecting "Auto-Submit and Approve" make this the case? I do not want things auto-approved.

As far as the financials I understand the billable settings, however there was the below text as a notation which seems to imply that if that case the unapproved time entries would not be included even if the items were "billable"

Text from setting page for 11.7:

"If "Require approval" is chosen, users will be required to submit their timesheets for approval, and only approved hours would be used for financial calculations."

Tim Gelette 0 votes
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No, you do not want to use Auto-Submit and Approve because this will automatically submit and approve the time and apply it to time effort (Actual Effort) on the work item. What you want is Require Approval and t hen you want to set option 11.8 (Autosubmit Timesheets) checked so any entered time is automatically sumbitted for approval.

Whether only time entries or Financials, the time has to be approved to be included.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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