Official comment

Thank you for submitting this feature request. For future reference the request ID is CR-1459.
One of our users asked if there is a good way to track the original order of the tasks in a project (without using the baseline feature). In our old tool (SmartSheet) we had a static numbered column that would always display the original order of the tasks no matter what other associated attributes changed. Is there an easy way to create and maintain this column? Thank you.
Thank you for submitting this feature request. For future reference the request ID is CR-1459.
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This is not available at the moment, but in the future we are adding a column called WBS Code which will capture the hierarchy regardless of how the project is sorted/filtered. The structure will look something like this:
1 Project
1.1 Milestone 1
1.1.1 Task 1
1.1.2 Task 2
1.1.3 Task 3
1.2 Milestone 2
1.2.1 Task 1
1.2.2 Task 2
1.2.3 Task 3
Do you know when this column will be available? Any suggested workarounds for the time being? Thank you!
Side note that if any other customers would like this feature, please don't be shy. We track every customer that asks for a feature and the more customers that request an item, the sooner we can deliver it to market.
Marie, there is no ETA yet and no customization available that can reproduce this (and believe me the Customer Success team has tried). I am waiting for this as well and will continue to push for it internally. Again, the more customers that request this, the higher the priority.
How can I request this as well? Will this comment suffice, or should I submit some kind of request and if so is there an existing id I should reference?
How this would help me specifically is with the document publisher. I want the document publisher to pull out all of the tasks in my project. I can do this, but the order is lost. Having a field I could sort all of my tasks by (maintaining the hierarchy as well) would be very helpful.
What is being used currently in the back end to maintain the order when no sort is applied to the work plan?
You are all set Jon.
Any news regarding this feature? No release date yet?
Changing this to "planned" but we don't have an exact ETA yet. This could come later this year as part of UI/UX improvements.
Is this available now ?
Not yet, but it is in the works.