You need an action that will actually map the customer variable to the request itself. To do this, create an action for "New Item" (you are not creating a new customer but a new link between the customer and the request). Then for the new object (NewObject2 most likely) select "Case Customer Link." For the Entity put in the new request (likely NewObject1) and for the $Customer put in the name of your variable from the form. That should do the trick.
FollowCustom Actions - How to access Customer Object
hi Guys,
I'm creating a a Custom form for our users to complete (our work request process). Now in that form is a Variable "Customer" which is a reference to object "Customer", which brings up our customer selection.
Now the purpose of this custom action (form) is to create a Request in the Background. Now i want to save the selected Customer in the Request Customer field, but i cannot locate it in the field list. Now i have "unhidden" Customer in the layout so im alittle boggled. I can only presume that you need to join to the Customer table some how in the Set Action->New Item (Request) object?. All other fields are saving corretcly, just these ones.
I have the same issue when trying to save Group as well.
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hey Joshm
Just to let you know the above worked :)