You can set a filter to hide all tasks and then share that view with the filter in place.
FollowSharing a View - Hide Tasks?
Is there a way to hide the tasks when sharing a view? We would like to share a view with our clients that only shows the Project and Milestones. Basically want to disable their ability to expand the milestone details. Thanks!
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It looks like I asked this same question back at my old company. However, we are running into the same issue. I hid tasks through the filter in the view.
Although they are collapsed to just show the Project and Milestone when the view is sent, the customer can still click the + to expand and see the tasks. How do we disable or lock this for customers?
Have you tried to share as Josh suggested but when you choose related, uncheck any items not desired and share as read-only
We are trying to resolve the same issue. I have a Client View created and would like to share a widget without tasks - only Milestones. I do not see a method to accomplish this?