You can do this by breaking out estimated work by weeks and setting utilization on a week by week basis. I would go through this option with your CSM. We also have a feature called "Work by Day" that will let you estimate future load on a day by day basis. This is a high priority item in the roadmap.
FollowVarying Default Availability
I am facing a challenge with resource scheduling, which I believe would be easily solved by a feature which I don't believe is available in Clarizen. What I would like to do is be able to have the default availability for a resource change over time, and I need to be able to set this in advance.
Once scenario is on-call weeks. My team has a weekly on-call rotation, and as such every 4 weeks one of my developers is likely to spend much more time on support. I would like to be able to forecast out so that on these weeks I can lower his project availability.
As far as I know, I can only set the default availability once, and then change it on individual tasks as needed but this becomes cumbersome. Any suggestions on how I can achieve what I am looking for given Clarizens's current features?
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