It is indeed possible to schedule this in one day. You would create a user group for each location and then set the calendar for each user group. Then you would apply the user group calendars to the resources. Lastly you need to make sure the project calendar can accommodate 12 (or 16) hour days.
FollowOffshore/Onshore calendars
We are working with an offshore team in Bangalore, India. All resources are grouped by either onshore or offshore resources.
Is it possible to set up two different calendars that would recognize and allow that depending on the resource scheduled for a task that the task could possibly span more than 8 hours in a day? Example, if an offshore resource completes a task that takes 8 hours and the onshore resource completes the next task that takes 4 hours, that because of the two resources assigned, Clarizen can schedule this all to happen within one day?
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