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'Additional Comments' Column

I've added the 'Additional Comments' Column to our Work Plan view in Clarizen. While we seem to be able to type in this field at the project level - when we try to add a comment to a task at any other level, we can't click in the cell and a lock icon appears in the top right corner. Is there something we're doing wrong or is there a better way to capture comments at the task level? Thank you.

Marie Sahrmann Answered

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Additional Comments is a field that is only available at the project level.  You can use a field available for all work items (projects, tasks, and milestones) such as description, or you can create a custom field and call it whatever you'd like.  For the custom field just go to Settings >> Configure >> select Work Items on the Left >> Create a new custom field >> Make it a text area field.  You can then add this field as a column and edit it anywhere in the project.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Hi, I am curious what the intended use is for the additional comments at the project and program level, vs. the description field that is available for all work items.

Wyatt, Mindy 0 votes
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It was simply an extra text field for tracking comments and it predated custom fields. It is a bit redundant now that you can create any field that you like.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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