Yes, indeed you can. You can either go to your profile and set the "Homepage" field (the properties search is the quick way to pull it up) or you can simply bookmark the milestones page in your browser. For example, try clicking:
FollowCan I set a specific location to be my main landing page when I log in?
when I log in, I typically go to the same location to start my utilisation of Clarizen.
Can you set your default landing page from anywhere in the system e.g. in my case it is a milestone page containing all the relevant tasks?
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Is "Landing Page" the same as "Homepage?" I dont see Homepage on person property card. Also, when changing Landing Page, it doesn't change my default page.
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The landing page and Homepage are different. The landing page is the first page you will see when you log in. We typically recommend using the Homepage for this but you can use any page you wish. As an example if you primarily work with Requests, you can make the Requests module your landing page.
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