Can you better explain what menu you are referring to?
I added the Add holidays as Calendar Exceptions app and enabled it. I see its using the custom actions. But, I do not see how to get to the selection menu. Can you explain how I set it up?
Thank you.
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Can you better explain what menu you are referring to?
Hi Katie,
Once you enable the application. Click on the Navigation Panel >> Custom Actions >> Add Calendar Exceptions. It should trigger the following pop-up window, from where you will be able to load national, local, and religious holidays into your organizational or specific user group calendars in Clarizen as calendar exceptions (the holiday database supports 10 years of data, more than 80 countries, and over 50 languages).
Is that what you were referring to?
Thank you,
Hi Diana,
I don't see a nav element called Custom Actions. Where exactly do I find that nav element?
FYI, I didn't get a popup when I installed it or enabled it.
Thank you.
It should be towards the top of the Navigation page. If you don't see it there, then it likely means the app was not enabled.
Hi Josh,
Sorry, but I'm still confused. See screenshot that notes the app is enabled. What navigation page are you referring to? Can you please send me a screenshot?
Hmm, can you open the navigation window and provide a screenshot?
OK, I finally realized this nav element was part of the Clarizen main nav in the upper left. My pop-up blocker was preventing it from showing up. I think I'm OK now. Thanks!
Great news!
Great news!
I have read this thread and I tried downloading the Holiday loader but have been unsuccessful. When I get to the Apps I find the holiday Loader application, I re-
sign in and when I click on the holiday calendar and accept the terms and conditions it brings me back to the Clarizen homepage and nothing is downloaded. I navigated through back to my project and nothing occurred. Can anyone provide any guidance on this?