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Can I move a project that is nested to a higher level?

Can I move a project that is nested in a portfolio? I want to move it up to the highest level, but I only see the option to move it at the same level or lower. Basically, I nested a couple projects into a portfolio and want them to appear at the highest project level but it doesn't let me "outdent them".  Can you show me how to do this please?

Katie Larson Answered

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You should be able to easily do this using the Drag/Drop feature or the Move button in the toolbar. Highlight the Project you want to move up and drag it to where you want, see my image below. 

Note that you cannot move it to the same level as the Porfolio, it can only be moved up as high as one level below Portfolio...




Boris Krutiy

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris,

I'm trying to move it to the Portfolio level. So, if I understand you correctly, the answer is that it cannot be done. So, I would need to copy my project tasks and create a new project at the portfolio level and paste them into it so that I don't have to redo everything. (Or I could save the project it as a template and then delete that template later. Is that the best way around this one?

Katie Larson 0 votes
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It can indeed be done. All you need to do is select the project and then in the menu go to Misc >> Detach. That will turn it into the highest level project possible.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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