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Is there a way to use a zero duration milestone that will auto-complete?

We are trying to create a couple of key milestones that will auto-complete (0h duration) when their predecessors are all marked completed. We cannot embed in our hierarchy as we have need for a different set of milestones in the project structure.  If we could create a milestone under another milestone, that would work too but does not seem possible.  We are trying to avoid the PM having to update completion in two line items.

Is there any way to accomplish this using workflow or other configuration settings?



Denise Stokowski Answered

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Hi Denise,

A milestone cannot be subordinate to another milestone, however, I am sure we will be able to come up with a solution for you. This will require some customization and discussion around the scenario.  I would recommend either talking to your CSM or hopping on one of our free Advanced Q&A Webinars (

Diana Sandura 0 votes
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