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Why should the Executable attribute not appear for a project?

The Executable attribute normally appears in our projects for the tasks that are currently executable.  But we have a few new projects where it is not appearing at all (see attached screenclips).  I expected that once a project is marked Active any tasks that are able to proceed immediately (by Start Date and having no prior dependencies) should show the Executable symbol.  For example, in the attachment the highlighted tasks in the Hapoalim project have no dependencies, and are planned to start 2 days ago, so I expected the Executable attribute to appear for them.  What am I missing here?



Richard Udy Answered

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From what I can see within your screen images, the Tasks that are not showing executable have a link (Predessor) that has not been completed. If you have a link between tasks using FTS (Finish-To-Start). The Successor tasks cannot start until the predessor is complete...Example from your image...


You have a project named 'GABLES - FXI PRO : Onboarding with the following Milestones...

Customer Kickoff Call

Solution Onboarding

Client Onboarding


From what I see, though you are able to add time (Actual Effort) to Successor Tasks (i.e. Solution Onboarding), the execution column does not show as executable until the Predessor Task is completed, then you will see the Solution Onboarding Milestone as executable (as expected) and once this task is completed, then Client Onboarding will show as executable. 

The fact that you can add Actual Effort on a Task before it is executable is a separate conversation and actually has nothing to do with the way the executable column is reported. 

On a side note, if you do not want to be able to report effort on Successor tasks before they are executable or predecessors have completed, a validation rule can be created to block adding effort to work items that are not executable.



Boris Krutiy 



Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris,

Actually it was the other project (Hapoalim) I had the issue with with, but I see now that I had overlooked a dependency for the top-level project.  So it is actually working as it should. 

This question is now closed.



Richard Udy 0 votes
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