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How can I allow all users to view all projects, even if they don't have a role in the project?

We have a fairly flat organisational structure, with everyone managing several projects and using everyone else (i.e. other project managers) as their resources. Because of this, and because we sometimes need to switch resources or project managers quickly, we need to be able to share project management information easily between users.

How can we make it possible for everyone (or at least all full users) to view all projects, even if they don't have a role? We can't add everyone as a resource or reviewer to every project (tried that already), because then they can't filter the view to focus only on their projects, but how else can we make all projects available to view? I also do not want to make everyone Admin or Super User, because then they will have too much freedom.

Kerry Answered

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If you make the users Full License Users, they would have access to all Projects but this would require a lot of licenses as Full License is the highest level user that allows for Project access without using the Super User or Admin permissions which would give permissions to Global and System settings as well as custom configurations.



Boris Krutiy

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Thanks, Boris.

I agree that we should not give everyone Admin or Super User permissions, but these are all Full License users and they still can't see projects where they don't have a role, even when removing all filters and performing a global search.

It sounds like this is actually a bug and I should submit a help desk request.


Kerry Francis

Kerry 0 votes
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I am not sure it is a bug as it works in my environment normally but you are correct, please open a ticket and we can help you look at this. If you can remember to provide a Screencast recording or screen captures showing the issue, that will help us with troubleshooting.



Boris Krutiy

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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This could also be because Extended Permissions are enabled

Peter Fjelsten 0 votes
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I have exactly the same problem as Kerry,  I need several staff members to be able to view all projects.  All are currently setup with full licences.  They do not have admin or super user permissions but they can't see all the projects.  How was this resolved for Kerry last year.

Also the comment posted by Peter regarding extended permissions, can you clarify this as I'm not clear on what this setting is.



Julie Rose 0 votes
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Full Users have the ability to see all Projects. If you cannot see all, then there is likely a setting enabled that is limiting this called 'Permission Level'. The default setting is Basic but if set to Enhanced, then users that do not have a role on an object such as a Project will not be able to see it.

To verify the setting, go to Settings --> System Settings --> 8 Organizations, Users, Licenses --> 8.22 Permission Level


Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Removing the enhanced setting resolved the problem.

Thank you


Julie Rose 0 votes
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