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Moving Back

I have noticed that when filtering my home screen / scrolling through the projects to search for a specific genre of projects, it will not return to my location when I hit the back button.


Is there a way to return to my position on the page/filtered items without having to open a new tab everytime?

Lindsay G. Answered

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Hi Lindsay,

When you hit the back button, the system will take you to the previous view you were in. If you want to stay on the current page, I would hit refresh button (F5) instead.

I'm not sure if that is the answer you are looking for. If that is not the case, please open a ticket and provide us with a screen recording of the scenario and any screen captures that may help us narrow down the issue and we will further investigate.

Thank you,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Not quite answered. Basically, i will filter the projects, like in Image 1, go into a project (image 2), nad then when hitting the back button, I am taken to the home screen (image 3).


Is there a way to avoid the filtered content not being immediately displayed without having to re-type the filter?

Lindsay G. 0 votes
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Hi Lindsay,

Thank you for clarification. We could suggest creating a new view for Canada projects. Add a Name column to the filter and set it to: Contains: Canada. See screeenshot:

We have a great article about creating new views:,-editing-and-deleting-views.

For further clarification, we suggest you register for one of our daily Intermediate Q&A webinars (see the link-> ).These are great resources for free consulting with our Customer Success Managers and visual answers to your questions. One of our experts will be able to guide you through.

Thank you,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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