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Accessing "Total Estimated Cost"

Hi Guys,


I want to access the Total Estimated Cost field for a task that is a child of a EnhancedRequest. Currently the field is hidden and padlocked (see attached).


Just to confirm:


  • I'm a Financial user.

  • I'm a Super user.

  • I'm an admin.


Gareth Bradley Answered

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Hi Gareth,

Total estimated cost is an open field where PM can provide an estimate of the cost and with your permissions you should be able to update this field from a task (with a parent) or project level. What i noticed while looking into this for you is that this field is locked for (floating) to-do tasks. Can you confirm this is the case?



Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Hi Diana,

Firstly thank you for your speedy reply appreciated - excuse my ignore but how do i check to see if the field is locked for Todo tasks?


Also can this field be updated by Non-PM's - i.e. Full Members users? I ask because it will be a group of developers who will be updated these field - Estimation Stage within our Change Approval Process :)

Gareth Bradley 0 votes
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If the field has a little grey lock symbol in the top right of the field, then it is locked and cannot be modified either due to status or permissions.

Typically, Issues and Requests can only be modified by the Assignee/Owner and the Team Members are only provided Read Only access (unless user has Superuser permission). 

There is a workaround, you can create a Custom Action that will allow you to modify field(s) from within a "Change Form". Would that work?


Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris.

The field Total Estimated Cost has the padlock next to it. But this is confusing because:

  • Im trying to access the task and amend this field and I have a user Type of Full.

  • I have the Admin/Super User/Financial global permissions.

Also im logging a separate question in the forums because i cannot change a Team member to be a be a Super User (again packlocked) which contradicts what you said above about Team Members with Super User privledges.


Gareth Bradley 0 votes
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You are correct. It was my mistake, you cannot have a Team member with Superuser permissions. The system does not allow it. The user must be a Full User.

As for your issue with Total Estimated Cost, I was not able to reproduce this. Please make sure I have this correct...

You have a Request with a Related Work Item, you go to the related work item (i.e. Project) and want to modify the Total Estimated Cost field but cannot because it is locked?

This should work. It does not matter if you have a role on  the related work item or not, you have full permissions and should have access to it. 

I think this will require some further investigation. Please open a case and provide Grant Login Access to further troubleshoot. 


Thank you

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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