I have an issue whereby a user had a default % availability for new projects of 60% when a given project was created and this has subsequently changed to 100%. However when assigning tasks to them within the existing project the work he is given when he is one of a number of resources on a single tasks is still split based on his old availability .
This is only an issue on the project created when he was at 60%, new projects are fine, cleary there is a settig on the old project somewhere that says what is % availability is.
What I need ot do is to update this setting on this project to 100%. How can this be done?
Creating a new or cloning the existing project wont really work well I dont think as this project has been running for a while and has lots of time booked to it and t will continue to run for a few more major phases. Having his resourcing coming up wrong for every task is pretty frustrating.