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Project Manager Workload

I am looking for ways within Clarizen to identify Project Manager current/projected workload. Is there a use case for this already that may have solved for this unknown? keep in mind that the PM does not have any tasks assigned to them therefore no data currently exists.

Jeffrey Smargon Answered

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Have you tried using the Resource Load? Note that it does not matter if the PM was assigned to the task, if there are no Resources assigned, the PM/Manager...typically one in the same, take on the ownership of the work item and this is reflected in the Resource Load. 

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Yes but that does not give you a true gauge as PM's should not  have tasks assigned to them on the project as they are not a resource. The initial load will default to him/her but once resources are added that visibility goes away. How are other users handling this dilemma?

Jeffrey Smargon 0 votes
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Well, once other Resources are added to the Tasks, they are not responsible for the work on that Task. Are you saying that the PM requires time too (separately) or on the tasks? Most add the PM as a Resource so that time can be allocated. I have also seen customers create a separate Task but more times than not the Resources are the ones that are required to put in their time, not the Project Managers.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Jeffrey,

We only assign PM tasks if they actually have effort to burn down (example creating PID's). Are you on about time it takes to actually manage the Project (status calls, documentation, steering group meetings?) It might be best to add these types of things as Tasks assigned under each Milestone (if you use them) and assign to the PM. You could take it a step futher and add them to any Project Templates yoiu have if these tasks are actioned for every Project.

Gareth Bradley 0 votes
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