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How to configure default column layout in work plans

I'd like to make changes to the column layout in work plans so they are the default when anyone on our team creates a new project. I see how to do this for a single project (select manage --> columns after clicking the gear next to Work Plan) but can't figure out how to make these changes globally. Thanks!

Matthew McKenzie Answered

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You can do this using our new Profiles feature. Profiles allows you to specify Views, permissions, Field Access and more at an Organizational, Group or User level. It allows you to create multiple Profiles for different groups/functions and set certain users/groups as members for access.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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Hi Boris,

I went to the Profile for the Work Item Types, including Projects.  I assumed the correct route from here would be to go into either Fields & Relations - Profile Fieldset OR Field Layout, and I would find a place to set the default columns for new projects.

Instead, under Field Layout, I only get to edit the Property Card, not the columns. And under Profile Fieldset I see the attached screenshot, which doesn't look like the correct place to to, either.

Any chance you can help me with a step-by-step path to the proper location in the profile to customize those columns? Thanks!

Matthew McKenzie 0 votes
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Slight adjustment...

1 - Create the Views you want to be default for all users within the Project Module (as an example). Remember that the Views are different in every section you are in (i.e. Project Module View, Project Detail View, Task Module View, Task Detail View, etc...). 

2 - Once you have created your default View, go to Profiles --> <ProfileName> and select the Work Item --> Project Item Type from the left panel

3 - Select Views and select which View will be used (newly created one) for Module default view and Item detail default view. see attached

Note that this will be the users Default view but that can be changed by the users after the fact if they know how. But clicking on View permissions will allow you to specify which Views the users can or cannot see.



Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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