Make sure that you are using <Work Item>.%Complete & not <Resource>.%Complete, as you are reporting time against Work Item & not against a resource
If you change it filed to <Work Item>.%Complete, user will be able to edit it.
We allow manual entry of percent complete hours through the timesheet at The Understanding Group. One person in our group, Daniel O'Neil (me), cannot change his % complete through his time sheet. he CAN change his % complete in other forms. I've attached a screen shot. In it you'll see that % complete is locked on the time sheet but is unlocked in the task detail sheet.
Could you please correct this? The primary contact for this organization is Paul Metler (paul@understandinggroup.com) if you have any questions, but I am also happy to deal with this problem directly.
My login name is daniel.oneil
Thanks in advance!
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Make sure that you are using <Work Item>.%Complete & not <Resource>.%Complete, as you are reporting time against Work Item & not against a resource
If you change it filed to <Work Item>.%Complete, user will be able to edit it.
The answer below worked for me too! Thank you!